I Am Another You, You Are Another Me, 2023

Exhibition detail
Curators: Beral Madra, Marianne Wagner, Mehmet Lutfi Sen, Ozan Altun
I Am Another You, You Are Another Me

Exhibited pieces:


Karambol, table game set with nine balls with texts in black letters and two cues
Inspired by artwork by Jiří Valoch. Views of the installations at Emil Fila Gallery, Ústí nad Labem and The Museum of Art in Žilina, 2021

The game with existence is inspired by the work of Jiří Valach. I transferred the texts from Valoch's work to 9 billiard balls and then to the green playing area of the carambol table. The situation with two cues is an open challenge for the viewer to play a game with rules that are not given. A game in which a dream can come across reality, bounce to love, wait, or illusion.

SM, 2020

The essence of the interactive game of Stano Masár lies in the idea of individual action and responsibility. Every blow to billiard balls brings a unique series of relationships, meanings and constellations. Love, time, illusion and reality play together. Masár's game, however, has no winner or end. The subjective situation thus changes to universal to philosophical. Both artistic approaches, along with other works, call on sensitivity, empathy and reflection of the values of the current existence.

Nina Vrbanová, 2022


Our life could be simplistically described as permanent waiting. Every one of us is always waiting for something. Some of us are hunters who would not agree with such a theory. We are not only collectors but sophisticated strategists who are trying to make a creative transformation of the long-term future of this world.

The waiting room is a place that none of us ought to have the pleasure of. The process of forcing, waiting for something to occur or happen. It is a place of involuntary residence as if it were a prison. But if there was a space that enriches us thanks to waiting (in a spiritual way), we assume that we would like to enter into it gladly voluntarily and often.

The waiting room would become a kind of an intellectual wellness. Stano Masár is inviting us to enter his author’s waiting room. A waiting room where we could have waited for an artistic idea.

Juraj Čarný, 2018